Thursday 19 August 2010

Cafe Andaluz (Or 'that fuckin tapas place just off of George Square' as it's most commonly known in Glasgow)

After a heady night in Glasgow city center, on the piss (of course) for a friends birthday, the five of us decided that tapas would be a much better idea than our usual serving of half-cooked chips n' cheese to wrap the night up. Pretty soon we found ourselves lurching and grunting our way towards Cafe Andaluz on St Vincent Street.
Luckily for us we managed to score a table, which for a Friday night in such a popular restaurant is rarer than a Catholic priest with morals, and no sooner than you can say 'fucking hell that's a lot of food' our table was awash with perfectly formed little portions of absolute tasty.
The service was fast and friendly, although the cost of both drink and food could have bought us a truck full of the aforementioned chips 'n cheese and at least three taxi's home, we did however splash out on four jugs of 'cava sangria' at fifteen quid a pop which although delicious tasted more like fruit juice than booze and wouldn't have gotten me pissed if I was sealed into a giant vat of the stuff.
Every single portion of tapas was great, from the king prawns to the garlic mushrooms (averaging in price from 3.50 to 5.95 per portion so be careful when ordering and keep an eye on the bill tally!) and the only small gripe I had was that some of the staff were either totally ignoring our drunken bullshit or were genuinely Spanish and couldn't understand a word we were saying. At one point one of our group asked for a jug of iced water, a simple enough request that unfortunately resulted in a five minute exchange regarding Spanish holidays, dating Spaniards, airplanes, and lots of confused laughter from both sides. The water never came.

One word of warning though when you find yourself drunk and sitting down hungry in a Tapas restaurant, for the love of God don't buy absolutely everything that you think would be tasty on the pretense that they are all baby-sized portions. Three of these per person is still quite a bit of food and you'll find yourself fuller than you thought you would be.
Don't be a dick and order 5-6 items each like we did.
That's just fucking madness.

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